T1000-35 series steel truss tower

97,500.00zloty net

A thirty-five-meter high steel tower designed to combine economics of construction with maximum comfort. The tower has a comfortable manhole ladder for service personnel and two simplified work platforms - comfortable but light and therefore economical (without protective barriers - working in a harness is necessary). There are 6 high antenna supports between the platforms. The height difference between the platforms is 3 meters. Tower…

SKU: T1000-35ST


A thirty-five-meter high steel tower designed to combine economics of construction with maximum comfort. The tower has a comfortable manhole ladder for service personnel and two simplified work platforms - comfortable but light and therefore economical (without protective barriers - working in a harness is necessary). There are 6 high antenna supports between the platforms. The height difference between the platforms is 3 meters. The tower with platforms and supports weighs less than 4 tons and is designed for 4 m2 of antenna area (in Wind Zone I)

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