Universal flap KSU-1000 for M1000 series masts

1,870.00zloty net

The safety flap is designed for M1000 series masts with an internal ladder. It plays several important roles. Firstly, it allows for comfortable rest when climbing high masts, secondly, it is a convenient work platform allowing for the installation of equipment in stable conditions, thirdly, it protects against falling (due to a comfortable position during work) and can also minimize…

SKU: KSU-1000


The universal safety flap is designed for M1000 series masts with an internal ladder. It plays several important roles. Firstly, it allows for comfortable rest when climbing high masts, secondly, it is a convenient work platform allowing for the installation of equipment in stable conditions, thirdly, it protects against falling (due to the comfortable position during work) and can also minimize the effects of a fall if it does occur. The service technician has a chance to stop on the flap if the fall occurred several meters above the flap.

An important feature that distinguishes the KSU flap from the KBM is its versatility – it can be mounted at any height on the mast, as the installation uses clamps clamped to the supporting pipe. The KBM flap, on the other hand, uses the crossbars of the mast or tower as the installation point, which limits the possible installation heights to full grating windows.

The floor is made of a lightweight composite structure or galvanized WEMA grid, which, thanks to its increased breathability, does not exert any wind load on the mast.

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