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What makes some masts more expensive and others cheaper, where does the price come from?

The price of the mast is determined by three main factors viz material cost, time spent on execution, quality of workmanship. AluPro offers products of the highest quality, we do not try to be the cheapest on the market at the expense of workmanship and safety.

The cost of aluminum, the main construction material in AluPro, is subject to dynamic changes. The wholesale price of the material has changed by almost 100% over the year 22% which must also have influenced product prices. Depending on the resources of material purchased at given prices, companies update costs faster or slower - which is one of the reasons price discrepancies.

Another topic is material consumption. Competitive companies produce trusses, including: made of pipes with 1 mm walls that are unable to bear the loads of a service technician climbing the structure. To prevent problems, one of the truss walls has a reinforced grating made of 1.5 mm tubes. This solution makes the structure lighter, but less safe (what if the service technician mistakes the walls for climbing the mast, or wants to pass an obstacle, e.g. an antenna mount, by changing the wall). Thin-walled pipes also affect the stiffness of tower structures, especially. In AluPro, the thinnest material approved for production is pipes with a wall thickness of 1.5 mm. We often use 2mm and 3mm.

Another cost variable is time. We don't waste time on doing things well. All AluPro masts and towers are equipped with flange connections, which is not the standard among the competition. This solution guarantees higher safety and decisiveness easier assembly. Naturally, making and welding the flanges costs additional time and material, which translates into the price of the finished truss. The slip-on connection has several disadvantages, namely difficult assembly (zero tolerance for manufacturing deviations), the connection tends to get stuck (difficult or impossible to dismantle the structure), and finally safety. A pipe inserted as a result of pressure and stress caused by its own weight, the service technician's weight and the tension of the rigging may break longitudinally, which may result in the mast tipping over.

An example of low quality workmanship
Welds of poor quality

Time is combined smoothly with the quality of workmanship. We employ the best welders on the market and we do not make them rush while working, we allow them to weld precisely, with deep penetration, we check whether the joints are tight and closed. Our competition sometimes welds only on the outside of the truss (the weld is faster, costs less time, welding gases, welding wire - but is half as strong). Welding aluminum is a difficult process, obtaining proper penetration and a nice weld is crucial. Low-class specialists cannot do it properly. If you add time pressure to the lack of skills, the results can be disastrous

A broken weld caused a construction disaster
A broken weld caused a construction disaster
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