Aluminum truss wall mast, M250 series

2,750.00zloty5,220.00zloty net

The product has many parameters that require specification when ordering, read the description, prices reflect specific configurations. Your optimal configuration may vary, so the price will vary as well. price update 2024-04-03

SKU: M250-6-S2-WM


Wall mast based on an M250 truss, made of two- or four-meter segments. The mast is intended for operation in wind and ice zone I, it is intended for0.5 square meters of antenna area on the top. Solutions based on M250 series trusses are used primarily where architectural considerations indicate the use of a more delicate and less visible structure. Another important feature of such a radio mast is its small impact on emissions from omnidirectional antennas not placed on the top of the structure. The radio shadow of a narrow mast is smaller than that of a wide one. This means that we can shorten the booms of omnidirectional antennas, obtaining a similar level of interference in the case of wider masts, or alternatively, leave the booms long, limiting the impact of the mast on wave emission (compared to wider structures).

Wall masts have 4 basic parameters that can be freely combined to create a solution tailored to a given facility. The multitude of combinations makes it impossible to create a uniform offer and each case should be consulted with AluPro specialists.

The parameters are: segment width, height of the wall mast above the upper mounting (free-standing part), length of the supporting segment (between the mountings), distance of the mast from the wall (space for eaves, cornices, etc.).

The price list includes the costs of masts for which the distance between the mountings is 3 meters, the distance from the wall is 300 mm, and the height of the unsupported mast is variable. Straight segments 2 or 4 meters long.


Sample technical information for the M250-6-S2WM version:

Sample technical information for the M250-8-S4WM version:

Catalog Card (selection of implemented versions):


Additional information


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