PDCT1000 partial platform for T1000 tower or M1000 mast

1,980.00zloty net

The partial platform serves as a micro-working or resting platform, which can be used in the core of 1000 series masts and towers. Its advantage over the full resting hatch is the lack of the need to open and close it while moving on the ladder, and low windage - but its disadvantage is limited space. The partial platform allows you to stand with your back to the manhole ladder and operate the antennas more conveniently…



The partial platform serves as a micro-working or resting platform, which can be used in the core of 1000 series masts and towers. Its advantage over the full resting hatch is the lack of the need to open and close it while moving on the ladder, and low windage - but its disadvantage is limited space. The partial platform allows you to stand with your back to the manhole ladder and more conveniently operate the antennas installed in this position.


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