PSRM 1000 circular separation platform

14,200.00zloty net

The circular separation platform is a more convenient version of the triangular platforms. The main advantage is the freedom in positioning the antennas. We have a full 360-degree horizon at our disposal, so it is easy to configure area coverage with sector antennas. There is also slightly more space on the PSRM platform than on the PSM platform, which allows for comfortable movement. Platforms of this type are often used as the top of towers or masts,…



The circular separation platform is a more convenient version of the triangular platforms. The main advantage is the freedom in positioning the antennas. We have a full 360-degree horizon at our disposal, so it is easy to configure area coverage with sector antennas. There is also slightly more space on the PSRM platform than on the PSM platform, which allows for comfortable movement. Platforms of this type are often used as the top of towers or masts, but they can be installed at any height.


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